Micro adventure in Saxonian Switzerland [Sächsische Schweiz, 23.-24.11.2019]

After way too many weeks in the cities and being trapped in an air cask because of my broken foot I set my eyes on a free weekend to get outdoors again. The Saxonian Switzerland is a hilly area and national park about 3 hours from Berlin. It is a valley with some funky sandstone …

A short escape – Is this still Germany? [Rügen, 23.-25.08.2019]

“Do you know the Jasmund National Park? We should go there for a weekend!” I have to admit in Europe I don’t know any of our beautiful parks by name, only by region. Yosemite, Yellowstone – yes, these names are everywhere, but Jasmund? “Oh, it’s on Rügen! I’ve never been there, let’s do a camping …

Diversity in city life, sustainability and nature [Helsinki, 29.05.-07.06.2019]

When I heard the World Circular Economy Conference would be hosted in Helsinki this year I set my eyes on doing a combined trip to get my first time Finland in a good mix. Luckily it also turned out just right with my upcoming full-time project in Hamburg and so this would be the last …

An Easter trip to the Spreewald [20.-22. April]

The Spreewald – a beautiful biosphere reserve in Brandenburg about 1 hour south-east of Berlin. Perfect for kayaking, perfect for camping. And perfect for my brand-new imported tent which Bridget brought me from the states. With the weather forecast “sun all weekend” we set out for a short but beautiful Easter getaway.

“There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.” ~Henry David Thoreau

1.554 miles Roadtrip Los Angeles to Omaha [US trip part 3: 07.-09. September 2018]

When the canyon lands in Utah showed up in front of me for the first time I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Knowing these pictures from movies is one thing. But being part of it. It felt so unreal driving in a world like no other and I had a hard time to keep on …

New York, New York – or: “I can still be overwhelmed by a city?” [US trip part 1: 24.08.-28.08.2018]

I will never forget the first moment I stepped into New York.  I had a couple of ideas what I wanted to do first when I would arrive in Manhattan. And I recalled these plans while I was on the train from my Airbnb in New Jersey where I had arrived after the long flight …

A spontaneous 336km bike trip [Passau to Vienna, 6.8.-8.8.2018]

“How fast can I cycle from Passau to Vienna?” This question followed me around for the last two years since I did the beautiful cycling trip with my ex-partner in a nice 4 days ride. Being on my bucket list since then I thought I’d try it one day. Planned. Trained. Ready to go. As …