Sandflies and Bird Talk [Overnight in Doubtful Sounds, 17.-18.01.2020]

The one thing we had actually booked and planned ahead of stepping onto New Zealand’s ground was an overnight kayaking trip in Doubtful Sounds. Doubtful Sounds being the “little, less disturbed by tourists sister” of Milford Sound. Partly – or mostly? – because you can’t reach it as easy as Milford. You need to take …

First hike, hard hike [Avalanche Peak, 03.-05.01.2020]

„Why did we pick this as our first hike?“ Bridget asks, catching her breath after a long uphill section. I frown while trying to slow my heartbeat. „Because it was the first on our route?“ We are somewhere in the middle of the 1.100 meters in altitude we have to tackle today – uphill and …

1.554 miles Roadtrip Los Angeles to Omaha [US trip part 3: 07.-09. September 2018]

When the canyon lands in Utah showed up in front of me for the first time I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Knowing these pictures from movies is one thing. But being part of it. It felt so unreal driving in a world like no other and I had a hard time to keep on …

New York, New York – or: “I can still be overwhelmed by a city?” [US trip part 1: 24.08.-28.08.2018]

I will never forget the first moment I stepped into New York.  I had a couple of ideas what I wanted to do first when I would arrive in Manhattan. And I recalled these plans while I was on the train from my Airbnb in New Jersey where I had arrived after the long flight …