Toronto – Goodbye Canada, I’m going home? [Across Canada – part 15: 15.-23.05.2018]

Toronto, my last stop before flying back to Germany, unfold itself in three parts. Arrival alone A weekend together Thoughts and goodbye Maybe it’s soon time to think what to do with this blog once I’m back in Germany. But somehow a voice in my head tells me that there will be future adventures not …

Brockville – between 1000 islands and the big city [Across Canada – part 14: 08.-15.05.2018]

Brockville, Ontario, isn’t exactly a town you have on your must list (yet) when traveling across Canada. The scenic route which takes you along the St. Lawrence River and the Thousand Islands from Kingston to Brockville is one way to end up here where you can enjoy the busy little town and its cultural activities …

Ottawa – A night in jail [Across Canada – part 13: 07.-09.05.2018]

It feels like a goodbye to Canada leaving Halifax and Nova Scotia on the train. I keep looking out of the window, a couple of musicians play again in the bistro car as I see forests, lakes and roads passing by. You know this feeling when you listen to music and look outside of a …

Nova Scotia – Canada‘s Ocean Playground [Across Canada – part 12: 28.04.-06.05.2018]

Folding and stretching myself out of the overnight train from Québec to Halifax with the grand name “The Ocean” – Vancouver to Toronto it’s called “The Canadian” – I suddenly had reached the other side of Canada and was looking at the Atlantic Ocean. The train ride was unspectacular concerning the landscape but interesting with …

Quebéc City – Haute, Basse et Nouvelle Ville [Across Canada – part 11: 23.-27.04.2018]

First things first. In Québec City I made the decision to come back to Germany a bit earlier than planned – in the end of May. One month to go. Wow, that’s really early and it feels weird to write it down. I realized my increasing inner unrest to figure out a couple of things …

Montréal – French for beginners [Across Canada – part 10: 19.-23.04.2018]

It’s weird to exit the bus and suddenly everything is in French. Even getting on the metro felt like I’ve been thrown somewhere into Paris and not like Canada anymore. And I guess it’s the only place where you have to clarify what Starbucks is…? The vibe is relaxed, chilled and on a sunny day …

Toronto – 10 lines for stopover 1 of 3 [Across Canada – part 9: 17.-19.04.]

After being 2 1/2 days on the train Toronto was merely a stop to stretch my legs, breathe some air and get something for my brain before going to explore Montreal and Quebec. So there’s not much to tell about this first stopover as there are more stops here to come and all I did …

48 hours to Toronto [Across Canada – part 8: 15.-17.04.2018]

Sitting in the remote train station in Saskatoon feels like a time dash into the 60s or 70s. Train stations are treated a bit like the undiscovered princess in a Disney movie whose stepmother doesn’t really acknowledge her right to be there. The fans on the ceiling are the only sound next to the cooling …