Sitting by the water.
A cold morning dip.
Nothing but the wind.
The pier floats softly.
Here is where I need to be.
At the first good sight of the sea,
We naturally slow down our steps.
Or is it just me?
It’s here, by the water.
It has always been here.
Is evolution telling us?
„Come back to me.
Come back to where you came from.
Sit with me.
And we’ll figure it out.“
We’re watching jellyfish drama.
A zombie horror movie,
enfolding in slowmo.
Sea swallows are passing by,
Looking for fish at low tide.
Summer solistice,
The longest day.
We tried it,
with the slowest pace.
Moving at the speed of life.

After our wedding in Copenhagen we went further North to Sweden. To stay over midsummer and to be by the sea. It was cold and windy at Encanto, but the nature absolutely beautiful.
For the sunset I climbed to the highest spot on the island Tjörn. Some rocks gave me shelter from the winds which had canceled our sunset kayaking trip. Young ash and oak trees surround me in my little nook. It’s 9 pm and from the previous days we know that sunset will be around 11pm.
I wonder if I will last that long up here. The warm and cozy Swedish summer house is pretty tempting while I sit here with warm socks, boots, a wool sweater, beanie, and my rain jacket on June 21st.
The rock surface is warm and comforting below me.
Lately I heard that when going into a healthy forest, the heartbeat slows down. I feel this happens to me as well every time I sit by the sea. The air tastes different. The sounds of wind and waves, so organic and comforting like no sound designer could put it together.
I’ve never noticed how different the wind in oak leaves sounds compared to the ash or willow leaves. Or the poplar’s further downhill.
I look to the east, a great sky with tiny spots of yellow light. Behind me the sun is slowly setting covered in thick, low-hanging clouds.
The rugged shape of the islands around me, sprinkled with the green of young trees, grasses, and forbs. The white houses with the red roofs.
Sitting by the water has definitely been one of our main activities during the last week, our honeymoon week up in the north. Everyday plunging into the cold sea. Or watching jellyfish drama unfold by the hidden boardwalk.
I’m restless, still not bored yet. But sitting by the sea slows me down. Naturally.
Last year our summer solistice involved 8 hours of cycling through Berlin. Maybe taking it as slow as possible this year was the best choice possible.
Kura Skyming as I learnt later from Jörgen. The art of hunkering down and watching the sunset together. Because sunsets around Midsommar are an endlessly long, beautiful process.
Moving at the speed of life.
The wind changes direction and I have to change my position, too. I want to stay here up the hill as long as possible. Maybe not till sunset. But maybe till the golden rays in the sky change to red.

Masterful reflection of a life being lived! Continue to soak in life. You have a lot to teach!