North. [Roadtrip around Norway #6]

“We are now in the Arctic circle,” I write my mum. She sends me an emoji filled text message back. “💖 Congratulations 🌟🎉🎊🎈🔔🎶🐧 Probably you will stay the only ones in the family 😄.” We keep heading north, two days of just driving with no fjords but gas station burgers. We stop for the Marmorslottet …

Blueberries. [Roadtrip around Norway #5]

We arrive at Innerdalen, a beautiful mountain valley at the end of a one way gravel road. goes further and calls „Innerdalen – Norway’s most beautiful mountain valley”. We spent last night at least an hour to look for a nice longer but not too strenuous hike. The weather is still fine when we …