One night in Saskatoon [Across Canada – part 7: 14.-15.04.2018]

Okay, I spent a bit more than just a night here in the town that a Canadian from the train to Jasper described as “if you really want to make a stop between Calgary/Edmonton and Toronto – I don’t know why you want to – and have to decide between Winnipeg and Saskatoon go to …

No bears in Banff [Across Canada – part 5: 07.-10.04.2018]

Hostel life in Jasper, Lake Louise and Banff was a bit difficult concerning the social contacts as most people were there for skiing or snowboarding and stuck together in their groups and pairs. It wasn’t surprising therefore that I found some company for Banff outside the hostel. And maybe also not surprising it happened in …

Lake Louise without the lake [Across Canada – part 4: 04.-07.04.2018]

We are on the road to Lake Louise, 3 hours south of Jasper and less than an hour before Banff, in a modern black transfer bus with a half glass panoramic roof. It’s cloudy outside and the sun still about to rise. I didn’t think that one hour time difference to LA and Vancouver would …

Beautiful ice cold spring in Jasper [Across Canada – part 3: 31.03.-04.04.2018]

Getting off the train I arrived in a cold winter town with beautiful mountains all around. After weeks of being more in the city and more indoors in Jasper, Alberta, I started my every day walking again. As I don’t have a car I have to reach every trailhead and grocery store by foot which …

Train meditation from Vancouver to Jasper [Across Canada – Part 2: 30.03.-31.03.2018]

I’m at the Red Truck Brewery, 10 minutes away from the Pacific Station, to wait for my train and the 18 hours train ride. Yes, I like trains. My former company – the German railways – has nothing to do with me always preferring the train over cars. Coming from a car dealer and workshop …

Vancouver [Across Canada – Part 1: 21.03.-30.03.2018]

We arrived early and tired leaving the sun behind in Los Angeles. “We” being Bridget and me. She had decided to join me for 6 days in Vancouver to explore the city and I was incredibly happy to start traveling again in company. Although Bridget didn’t get through border patrol and customs that easy. She …

Los Angeles — a rollercoaster ride (Part 2: 26.02.-20.03.2018)

The time passed by quickly and now I’m already in Vancouver and think about the last weeks in Los Angeles. After coming back from the road trip around California I tried to pack some more activities and new things into the remaining days which felt suddenly so few. So what is my résumé after spending …

San Francisco, Yosemite and Sequoia – Coastal roads and giant trees (California ~ 16.-25.02.2018)

“Come to LA first and we go on a road trip to San Francisco together.” The unplanned invitation Bridget made at a party in Zurich, June 2017, after a couple of drinks actually brought me to LA. I’m still not sure if she knew that I would take this as a promise. Before having the …